With the increasing diversity in networked information communication technology (ICTs), the question arises whether users’ social, entertainment and information needs are being met. Existing research on Internet information services and traditional portal or blog sites has not been extended to a more recent study of functional community websites such as Facebook. Therefore, this study was designed to administer a questionnaire survey in order to explore the motivation of Taiwan Facebook users of ICT’s by analyzing their Facebook use. The study concluded that: (1) Facebook users were attracted to Facebook mainly by social motivations, though some were attracted by the Facebook game simulation of “Farmville”, highly publicized in the media. A study of background variables further found that female users who had low education level and low age were more likely motivated by the gaming platform; male users who had low education level and a higher age were likely attracted by both a high degree of social interaction and high use of game-playing; (2) Facebook users were online more often, but for most there was no significant increase in the total number of hours online; (3) Facebook users who were motivated by both game play and social interaction do actually increase their online time using Facebook. The study indicated that Facebook facilitates increased use of information technology, and further recognizes that the gender of users accounts for significant differences in motivation. The findings of this study will lead to a better understanding of the motivation of Taiwan ICT users, specifically Taiwan Facebook users.