公共行政自從Woodrow Wilson以降,已有一百一十多年的歷史,無論在理論與實
(New Public Management, NPM)、新公共行政(New Public Administration)等議題不斷出
現。公共行政的領域萎縮了嗎?亦或公共行政的典範遺失了(paradigm lost)嗎?筆者欲探
索這樣的命題,從Herbert Simon的邏輯實證論以及Dwight Waldo的人文主義為出發點,釐
It has been for Public Administration to evolve over one hundred and ten years, since
Woodrow Wilson issued the great article- "The Study of Administration". There are for it fruitful
achievements on theory and practice. However, the academic circles has confronted the challenge of
amendmentism. The field of Public Administration is also facing the emerging issues of New Public
Management (NPM)、New Public Administration, etc. Do this field shrink, or the paradigm lost?
This article starts with Herbert Simon's "Logical Positivism Public Administration" and Dwight
Waldo's "Humanism Public Administration" to inquire into above, further so as to clarify the idea of
"Democratic Administration". Finally, I put forward multiple approach to transform the danger on
Public Administration.