Water samples taken fromBosten Lake andseveral rivers/channels that flowinto or out
of theLake duringthe summersof 1999and 2000were analyzedfor theirvarious characteristics,
includingpH, conductivity,totaldissolved solid(TDS),C-14 ageaswellasoxygen andhydrogen
isotopic ratios. The highC-14 activity of water samples suggests that the carbon in lakewater
ismodern and the water circulation is fast.High conductivity and TDS of lake water samples
(1000 - 3000 mS. cm-1) compared to river waters (130 - 300mS. cm-1) is indicative of the
presence of soluble mineral species (e.g., sulfate and chloride), a sign ofmineralization of the
lake water. The d18O values range from -2.5‰ to -10.5‰ whereas dD from -26‰ to -59‰.
Compared to theriverwater samples, lakewater shows obvious enrichmentof heavier isotopes
in bothoxygen and hydrogen, suggesting significant evaporation effectdespite the fact that the
lakewater sampleswere taken during flooding periods of 1999 and 2000.On the d18O-dDplot
the surfacewater data forma linear arraywith the best-fit line of dD= 3.7d18O- 20 (r =0.91).
The intersectionbetween this lineand theGlobalMeteoricWaterLine ofCraigis approximately
at d18O= -7‰ and dD= -46‰, indicative of the average d18Oand dDvalues of the precipitation
of themiddle section of the Tien ShanRangeand theYan QiBasin. The water source ismainly
from the precipitation ofwarm seasons (April - October).
西太平洋地質科學 Western Pacific Earth Sciences (WPES), Vol.2, No.1, P.67-82