摘要: | 中文摘要 鄭和下西洋是中外交通史上的重大事件,歷來中外學者根據原始資料的研究論著固已很多,然而沿襲案例或轉陳錯誤成說者亦復不少。因此對於前賢各個點面的考訂成就,正需做一番通盤整理的工作;否則,有如斷線之珠,不經串連,不見珠玉之瑰麗。本文的主旨,即在於綜合當今「鄭和下西洋」的研究成果,由明初政治背景、社會經濟轉型及學術思想的變遷,說明鄭和下西洋整個事件的開始、經過、結東、影響及其歷史地位,以期做為傳統文化向外開拓的重要參考。 全文分列四章:第一章說明鄭和下西洋的成功,係出於當時中國智識文明成熟的有利因素;並提出何以明代海外貿易不能持續發展的疑問,而擬由政治、經濟、文化相關層面加以闡析。第二章敘述下西洋的海外貿易出現於中央集權鞏固、手工業商品經濟發達,而朝貢貿易為天朝觀政治及經濟利益所帶動的時代。當時明成祖鑑於靖難之變而重視軍事、重用宦官並向海外開拓,鄭和於是以軍事宦官崛起於海洋貿易。因此鄭和下西洋的目的,則依其階段性而分別帶有政治、經濟不同比重的雙重色彩。第三章簡述鄭和下西洋的出國、歸國時間及所經過的主要地區與國家,並從而窺視中國明代文明在世界文化史上的定位點。第四章結語,歸納鄭和下西洋興起於中央集權政治及商品經濟發達,終止於經濟上的紙鈔貶值、政治上宦官亂政以及文化上保守思潮的限制等等。總之,資本主義式的海外貿易,並未因鄭和下西洋的成就而得到持續地發展。中國的歷史,在鄭和下西洋之後,又重新回到傳統文化的軌跡,再次將關注點集中於國內政治、經濟和學術。鄭和下西洋所創造海外貿易的輝煌成果,則孤寂地長懸於歷史洪流之上,為中國的航海事業放射出不朽的光芒。
Abstract It was considered as a great event that Cheng Ho's maritime Expeditions abroad in the history of communications with foreign contries. There were many scholars, both Chinese and foreigners, had written a lot of books about it with original materials, yet some of those just followed the records with commonly committed errors. Thus, it is necessary to have an overall work to arrange and synthesize these different researches and achievements made by former writers; otherwise these studies were just like scattered pearls, without a string, there would be no beading splendor. The purpose of this study lies in the synthesis of the accomplished researches about Cheng Ho's sailing abroad. According to the political status, the social and economic changing, as well as the thoughts in Early Ming Dynasty, we can see all the things about Cheng Ho's far-reaching expeditions on the sea; from beginning to end, the activities, results and influences thereafter in history, may be considered as important references to the abroad spreading of Chinese traditional culture. This study is divided into four chapters as below : I. Explaining the success of Cheng Ho's sailing abroad, including politics economics and culture. II. Relating the strong central right and the prosperous trade, as well as the military might bestowed upon Cheng Ho for the enlargement abroad. III. Briefing the whole story of Cheng Ho's sailing abroad and the main area and countries concerned. IV. Concluding the results from Cheng Ho's expeditions, such as the paper money devaluated, eunuchs spoiled, and conservatism regained. In short, capitalism in trading abroad didn't get continued after Cheng Ho's achievement in the far-reached sailing abroad. The Chinese history went back to the traditional culture course. Again laid the emphasis on the internal politics, economics and scholarship. The magnificent achievement of Cheng Ho's great expeditions on the sea would exist in the vast flood of history, and would maintain the glorious merits forever in Chinese maritime affairs. |