摘要: | 中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在探討高中聯考壓力與國中生身心健康之研究。研究對象係以台北市及台北縣各兩所「明星國中」及「非明星國中」共1,633位國中生為主,其結果發現: (一)在高中聯考壓力下,國中男女生都面臨相同的壓力,可是女生的身心比男生不健康。 (二)明星國中的升學壓力高於非明星國中,學生的身心健康也比較差。 (三)在年級差異上,聯考壓力症候的發生與嚴重性,隨著年級而有逐漸升高的傾向,尤其在頭昏、牙疼、背酸、腰痛、頸酸、不安、頻尿、便泌、極度疲勞、精神恍憾、不能專心、焦慮及失眠等,較有明顯的差異。 (四)在高中聯考壓力或身心症狀上的抱怨,升學班的程度比普通班的學生高。 (五)在高中聯考壓力下,無論考試焦慮的高低、社會支援的多寡,以及自我強度的高低,國中生的身心健康都會受到影響。 (六)以高中聯考壓力、考試焦慮、社會支援及自我強度對國中生身心健康的相對重要性中,其中以高中聯考壓力對國中生的身心健康最具預測力。 根據以上結果,加以討論,並提出如何應對高中聯考壓力對國中生身心健康影響的建議,以做為今後學校輔導學生之參考。
Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between anticipatory examination stress and the health of adolesence. The subject of this study were 1,633 junior high school students. The main finding of this study was: 1. The junior high school students have the same stress under the anticipatory examination, but the girls are healier than the boys in body and mind. 2. Compared to the students in Non-Star Junior High School, the students in Star-Junior High School face more anticipatory examination stress. 3. The higher the grade is, the more serious the symptoms are, especially dizziness, tooth-ache, back pain, abdominal pain, sore neck muscle, irritability, constipation, excessive tiredness, non-specific emotional upset, difficult in concentration. 4. The students in the classes in which students are supposed to enter senior high school have more examination stress and symptoms than those in the classed in which students are not supposed to enter senior high school. 5. Due to the anticipatory examination stress, the test anxiety, social support and ego-strength won't influence the mental health of the junior high school students. 6. The anticipatory examination stress is the most predictable variable about the health among the anticipatory examination stress, test anxiety, social support, and ego-strength. |