ABSTRACT This research utilized the exploratory-factor-analysis-method for searching the difficult levels of the kindergarten teacher's role behaviors to find out the important influential factors. The role behaviors were abstracted from internal articles, papers and dissertations. 64 teaching role behaviors, 26 administrative role behaviors and 31 quidance role behaviors were discovered.The total of role behaviors was 121. The questionaires were composed of those role behaviors. The subjects were kindergarten teachers who had graduated from Two-years Early Childhood Teachers' Education Department in Teachers' Colleges. The number of effective questionaires was 360. The factor-analysis-method was Principal-Component-Analysis and Varimax-Method. The difficulties of teaching role behaviors were decided by 6 factors. The order of importance was: teaching skill, program designing, learning evaluation, teaching children self-support, utilizing teaching resourses, equipment arrangement. The difficulties of administrative role behaviors were decided by 4 factors. The order of importance was: administrative self-discipline, administrative practical tasks, professional communication, parental guidance and communication. The difficulties of guidance role behaviors were decided by 4 factors. The order of importance was: abilities and actions guidance, respect and affection, understanding children, communicating with children.