Abstract Students with aggressive behavior are a deep concern for school administrators. A most proportion of conduct disorder childhood referred to the guidance of students center evidences conflict behavior, noncompliant problem violent tantrums with their family, teachers and peers. These students may be the most potentially serious problem dealt with by the schools in terms of failure with underachievement. Aggressive students may be predicted social maladjustment such as delinquency and hostility in the adolescent and adult years. The purpose of this study is designed to investigate the theory of aggressive behavior. The first part discusses and presents several of the product of genetic, familial and environmental factors. The position of this article insists that the causality of noxious behaviors are a complex mix of familial, ecological and biological factors. The second part displays the identification of these disruptive students. Behavior checklists are the main components in the assessment process. Measures of social skills, peer relation, self-report, academic achievement are also employed. To treat aggression the final part is based on the psychodynamic approach therapy involved aggressive behavior intervention with life-space intervention, play therapy and milieu therapy. The behavior modification related to aggressive behavior focus on managing conduct disorders and increasing prosocial behaviors. The cognitive-behaviors therapy development the desired behavior with self-administered strategies. The anticipation of the author could contribute the solution of the complex phenomenon of aggressive behavior.