There has been existed in controversies about Hsiung-Nu tribes which wasthe
earliest foreign race written in Chinese official histories. It is neededto make it clear that
the Hsiung-Nu tribes were different from Chan-yu raceamong the other aboriginal feudal
tribes. We are also have to orientate their activity territories and time periods in order to
resolve the complex problemsabout Hsiung-Nu empire during Han Dynasty.
Hsiung-Nu tribes were used to invade the foreign people by armed forces,but then
blended with one another for their posterity in result. Ve found Chanyu tribes had a
severe marriage system and the succession of kinghood waslimited to the same clan.
From the studies of their language, custom, documentsand archaeology, it is not so
difficult to get a reasonable judgement to thebelongingness of Chan-yu tribes.
Four parts of this paper are listed as below:
1.Foreword--limit the sphere of this study and the concerned subjects used as aids.
2.Verification--Hsiung-Nu tribes would be a branch of Altaic people, and were different
from other tribes in its empire.
3.Specificity--Closed custom and marriage restriction as well as the limited succession of
kinghood maintained its race purity.
4.Conclusion--Clarify the origin of Hsiung-Nu tribes were belonging to Mongol race,
nearer to Turkish people in the age afterwards.