One of the characteristics of the Nine-Year Integrated Curricula Plan is to develop the basic learning competence of students. Therefore, the selection of teaching amterials and activities should coordinate with our living experiences so as to develop useful basic competence.
The basic competence developed by science and technology curricula can be separated into eight categories and fit into associated learning stages. As a result, it becomes necessary to deepen these competency indicators to the point that they can become curricula objectives at the editing stage. Teachers can make use of the designed activities combined with proper teaching approaches to help the students to accomplish the goal of the curriculum.
This study uses sixth edition science and technology textbooks to analyze the application of competence indicators and development of pluralistic assessment presented in the textbooks, guidebooks, and student handbooks. The conclusion is that "scientific skill and cognition" is easily achieved in the eight categories of competence indicators. However, while oral assessment, paper-and-pencil tests, and performance assessment are satisfactory, multiple assessment such as dynamic assessment, portfolios assessment, etc, demand further development.