本研究探討華文教學一辭的意義。深入分析教學在意義上與概念上出現的混淆現象。目前使用教學一辭者賦予的語義有兩種:一是單指教,一是指教與學。由於言者未曾指明,於是出現溝通上的困擾。經由理論分析,本研究建議教學一辭應專指教與學,教則可用教導來表示,如此一來今日教學的英釋為teaching,亦可更改成teaching and learning,而教(教導)的英釋為teaching。連帶的pedagogy則可譯為教導學。
This essay attempts to explore the meaning of the Chinese term "teaching 教學". Through theoretical analysis, this essay introduces problems of the Chinese term "teaching" and deals with the use of the Chinese term "teaching". The Chinese term "teaching" has had two different meanings: teaching, teaching and learning, this essay suggests that the Chinese "teaching" should be changed from "教學" to "教導".