The Dutch mathematics educators Van Hiele couple in 1957 proposed a model of theory described how children develop geometric theorems, which consisted of five levels of understanding: visualization, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction and rigor. The development of the levels is more dependent on the instruction received than on children’ age of maturity. Learners advanced from basic level (visualization) to the highest level (rigor) through instruction and learning experience. Therefore, whether students can achieve high level of understandings, curriculum design and teaching methodology are the significant factors. Project-based learning enhances students’ learning motivation, high-end level of problem-solving and thinking skills, which is one of the systematic teaching methods. Students involve in activities that integrated knowledge and learning skills through the process of exploring complex authentic- questions and carefully designed tasks. With the development of technology, project-based learning gradually tends to be web-based. The study adopted Web project-based learning to fifth to sixth grade students in elementary school to explore their learning effectiveness and development level in Van Hiele’s geometric theory. The result revealed that students’ performance through Web project-based learning has improved on level one and level two of Van Hiele model.
2nd International Conference on E-Education & Learning Technologies (ICEELT 2013),Organized by Insititute of Information System & Research Centre,2013-05-03~04